How to see X Ray images in the computer

In order to record X rays  a Pacs – Dicom server is usually needed. A demo for a DICOM reader is located at:

This is a tomography (X Ray in multiple layers), and can be enlarged, reduced, brightened, darkened, and moved around.

This is quite a complex issue, the readers usually work together with PACS  servers. PACS mean: picture archiving and communication system. They provide security, compression, backup, instant communication (the radiologist notifies the clinician about the imagen availability), etc. There is also a wide price margin, from free to multimillion dollar figures.

There are many options for advanced users, and they can be installed gradually by end user request.  We always suggest separate servers for systems and data, because images are very demanding in terms of gigabytes.

Ask us about PACS server installation in your site or ours.

Some FAQs for advanced features

I want it to be easy to find providers by Specialty, so that the patient who looks for a Pediatrician finds it right away.

A.: It is not foreseen. You can put the specialty after the surname, in the function of Administrator – Users. For example, Dr. Blanca Pérez Pediatra.

Q.:  I want to see an example of Provider schedule (doctors)

A.: In the system I created Dr. Blanca Pérez Pediatra, who works on Thursday, all day (light blue). See the Calendar. Continue reading “Some FAQs for advanced features”

Health Insurance FAQ

How are the health insurance providers already admitted published?

First of all, each country has a different health system and denomination, but the most common is Health Insurance. In Argentina there are Obras Sociales (obligatory for all workers) or Prepaid Insurance o Prepagas (of voluntary affiliation). In Administration – Practice – Health insurance companies there is an editable list. Continue reading “Health Insurance FAQ”

Legal value of the Electronic Medical Record (Argentina)

This issue always arises in medical areas, especially hospitals. Sometimes, the possible unfavorable legal implications of computerization are an excuse for not computerizing, although increasingly weaker. Sometimes the subject highlights the inadequacy of the current legislation, still several decades behind reality.
For example, at a recent symposium in the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, a doctor from this advanced pioneer center in Medical Informatics, complained that as a result of a court case, a lawyer asked to seize the patient’s medical history, for which the judge wanted to take a complete server from the Data Center of the Hospital. This, regardless of the damage caused to the tens of thousands of patients whose stories resided on that same server.
Continue reading “Legal value of the Electronic Medical Record (Argentina)”

How EMRs improve medical attention by health personnel

There is growing enthusiasm in the United States about the use of electronic medical records (EMR) in patients. Important sums of money have been allocated to subsidize the adoption of this technology by physicians. The magazine Family Medicine highlights in an article both the promises and the disadvantages of this technology. Continue reading “How EMRs improve medical attention by health personnel”

History of OpenEMR, unique, full featured EHR system

OpenEMR[1] is a medical data administration program which for Electronic Medical Records (EMR). It is ONC Entire Ambulatory EHR certified and it functions altogether with integrated electronic medical records, administration, scheduling and electronic billing.

The code  is written in PHP and works under a LAMP, albeit any operating classification with PHP is supported.

OpenEMR is clear and open code program business GNU (GPL). OpenEMR is subject to ongoing efforts of internationalization and localization in multiple languages around the globe. Support is offered by more than 30 vendors in  10 countries.

OpenEMR is one of the most accepted free of charge electronic medical records today with 7000 downloads per month.

Continue reading “History of OpenEMR, unique, full featured EHR system”

Data for Google’s Data Highlighter

Google data highlighter helps software website indexation. Here are the data.

Software: OpenEMR – Use: EMR. Author: Netic Infoservicios – Buenos Aires – Argentina – August 12, 2019 – version 5.0.2 – Sergio Samoilovich

Offer: mentioning code openemr33, 14 days of free access to our OpenEMR server.

aggregateRating: most popular and complete EMR.

Download address: here you can get the Budgeter software for OpenEMR. – described in:– calculate the cost of emr install – etc.

English description – PresuHisClinDig Budgeter for EMR

PresuHisClinDig is a software application that provides a cost estimation for an Electronic Medical Record System.

The budgeter is mainly oriented to OpenEMR – OpenEMR is an open source, free software for medical records. It fulfills all the security and quality requirements for HIPAA and other public agencies in the US. It supports the HL7 data exchange standard, exporting “Continuity of Care” documents with all the patient data, in a standard, compatible format.

PresuHisClinDig – screen shot:

The software is free to download, install and use. Professionals can charge for additional services, customization, hosting and related services.


This software calculates the cost of installation and maintenance of OpenEMR and other software, depending on the number of using doctors, patients and other variables. You can also check our online calculator.

Order PresuHisClinDig

No need to order. Just download from the link above, install and use.

Download here the full software for Digital Health Records, OpenEMR

This is the description in the PAD File for the budgeter software and this one the English PAD file for OpenEMR.

In the OEMR pages there are links  that allow downloading the OpenEMR software, to be used in any language. We support English and Spanish versions, the latter in Spanish OpenEMR site.

We can provide the latest software to you. Our clients receive the updated terminology table, in international Spanish, from which we have refined almost 20 unnecessary languages. We also have teaching materials in .pdf and PowerPoint formats, with the main tasks performed by users (doctors, nurses or administrative). The Windows version is 43.8 mb. It requires to run an Apache server emulation, with PHP and MySQL. The complete version, with the XAMPP system (Apache emulator, PHP, MySQL and mail), has 227 mb and can be downloaded from the aforementioned page. If you have a Linux system, for example Debian or Ubuntu, download your version (of 33 mb) on the project site.

After installing the software on a local area server, which can be any Windows or Linux machine, we perform the tasks of configuration and adaptation to local needs. These tasks include definition of care centers, professionals in charge of medical services, opening hours, health insurance available, etc. Regarding the system itself, there are many modules that are enabled or disabled according to the user needs. If you are not an expert in this type of computer-medical-administrative task, ask about our initial EMR configuration service, training and support.

Most of the queries we receive are referred to:

– prescription printing

– users and passwords for different members of the patient’s equipment

– portal, so that the patient sees the information regarding his measurements and observations, as well as his appointments with health professionals.

– Security: intrusion control, backup

-capacity of the equipment, to manage speed and number of transactions.

– maintenance costs in our servers or in the cloud

– requirements to bill health companies, hospitals, insurers

– customized developments

This is the descriptor of the software in PAD File format —– To download free software for Digital Clinical Records, go to the  site.

Write us.

For Spanish support, check our Spanish EMR site. 

UMLS, or Unified Medical Language System

UMLS – Quick start guide

What is the UMLS?

The UMLS, or Unified Medical Language System, is a collection of files and software that brings together many biomedical vocabularies and standards to enable interoperability between computer systems. It is developed by the National Library of Medicine of the USA.

You can use the UMLS to improve or develop applications, such as electronic medical records, classification tools, dictionaries and language translators.

The SNOMED dictionary in Spanish can be easily integrated into OPENEMR to standardize medical terminology in our language. Continue reading “UMLS, or Unified Medical Language System”