One customer requested a nursing module for OpenEMR, adding 2 features: States and Phrases. States are exclusive conditions, for instance: At his room/Somewhere else. Phrases are non exclusive conditions, for instance: Unsalted diet/Hypocaloric diet/Processed diet.
This is an addition to the Inpatient Module, which is an exclusive/unique condition. For instance, if John Doe is occupying bed 11, he is not occupying any other bed, and no one else is occupying that bed.
Installation of this module involves running 3 queries in the database, copying 4 folders in the openem/interface folder: menu, new_phrase, reports1 and state, and replacing the standard.json file that constitutes the horizontal menu bar in OpenEMR.
The new options allow editing/creating/deleting states and phrases. Examples of states are: Intern in his room, Intern elsewhere in the clinic, Intern temporarily at home. Examples of phrases are: Normal diet, Hypocaloric diet, Hyposodic diet, Processed diet, Alergic to fish, Needing wound care, Complaints frequently, Mental condition, Supplies lasting less than 3 days and so on.
Feel free to experiment with this system at User is user33 and password user33 too.
Download a PowerPoint presentation at or see a video at