Nursing Module for OpenEMR

One customer requested a nursing module for OpenEMR, adding 2 features: States and Phrases. States are exclusive conditions, for instance: At his room/Somewhere else. Phrases are non exclusive conditions, for instance: Unsalted diet/Hypocaloric diet/Processed diet. This is an addition to the Inpatient Module, which is an exclusive/unique condition. For instance, if John Doe is occupying …

Additional tasks to the Inpatient Module, by client request

Inpatient Module Creation of a script to whiten the hospitalization tables within the database. Screens with individual patient data, sorted by Area / floor and by Surname. Facility to view or print all the data of a single patient at once. More patient data can be added, upon request. PowerPointPoint file, descriptive of the hospitalization …

Digital clinical data for Occupational Medicine companies

Most Occupational Medicine companies perform periodic examinations where doctors record the data in blank paper forms. This practice represents a waste of time, because the doctor must question each patient about old episodes of work accidents and diseases that the company already knows. Employees may also omit important records. And it is known that this …

Our Inpatient Module for OpenEMR

Inpatient Module The hospitalization system covers the main data registration needs in a hospital or clinic. The first stage is to create the beds. A bed is always inside a room, in turn within a floor and within an area. The area can be General, Emergency, Surgery, Maternity, Intensive therapy, etc. The beds can be …

Inpatient module for OpenEMR – Ongoing project

The OpenEMR was originally for outpatients, but many claimed a new feature that allows the monitoring of hospitalizations. We are developing an Inpatient Module, including location, type of bed, floor, room, bed number, additional room , such as TV and oxygen, etc. The reports include: Free beds – Inpatient days – Standard Inpatient  Number – …

Installation of OpenEMR in a medium size clinic in Southern Argentina.

We have installed OpenEMR in a medium size clinic, in the province of Chubut, Argentina, in September 2016. So far, 7 months later, there are 100 registered users and almost 10,000 patients. There were no problems so far. The administration asked us for some reports, beyond those programmed in the OpenEMER system. For example, a …

Health Insurance FAQ

How are the health insurance providers already admitted published? First of all, each country has a different health system and denomination, but the most common is Health Insurance. In Argentina there are Obras Sociales (obligatory for all workers) or Prepaid Insurance o Prepagas (of voluntary affiliation). In Administration – Practice – Health insurance companies there …

Legal value of the Electronic Medical Record (Argentina)

This issue always arises in medical areas, especially hospitals. Sometimes, the possible unfavorable legal implications of computerization are an excuse for not computerizing, although increasingly weaker. Sometimes the subject highlights the inadequacy of the current legislation, still several decades behind reality. For example, at a recent symposium in the Italian Hospital of Buenos Aires, a …

History of OpenEMR, unique, full featured EHR system

OpenEMR[1] is a medical data administration program which for Electronic Medical Records (EMR). It is ONC Entire Ambulatory EHR certified and it functions altogether with integrated electronic medical records, administration, scheduling and electronic billing. The code  is written in PHP and works under a LAMP, albeit any operating classification with PHP is supported. OpenEMR is …

English description – PresuHisClinDig Budgeter for EMR

PresuHisClinDig is a software application that provides a cost estimation for an Electronic Medical Record System. The budgeter is mainly oriented to OpenEMR – OpenEMR is an open source, free software for medical records. It fulfills all the security and quality requirements for HIPAA and other public agencies in the US. It supports the HL7 …